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Libra New Moon

Christina Celona • October 18, 2017

This Libra New Moon is full of surprises and can be a game changer as Uranus, the Awakener and planet of all things coming out of the blue sits across the sky to shake things up.

. It may be difficult to find your footing in this unstable atmosphere. Relationships in particular can be the setting for startling changes and excitement. There seems to be something unforeseen and unanticipated coming to a head to upset the balance or perhaps knock you off the fence if there’s been ambivalence or indecision and initiate changes.   

This New Moon occupies a critical degree, this doesn’t make it bad, it’s just putting an extra emphasis on all things Libra; relationships, agreements, negotiations, equality, cooperation, collaboration and even opposition and competition have the spotlight now. 

This New Moon gives a rare opportunity to sow new seeds in the way we connect with others. It’s like a chance to hit the cosmic reset button.

There is wisdom gained after Jupiter’s yearlong transit through Libra; providing growth, benefits and opportunities through others. Perhaps you’ve learned something about yourself through your interactions, or maybe you’re moving beyond certain patterns, associations, agreements and arrangements that are not in alignment or that have been a one-way street up until now. You will no longer be on the short end, or alternatively, there will be no more something for nothing. Things in this department are changing rapidly and even unexpectedly and it is a chance at a new beginning. 

Jupiter has left Libra and moved on to Scorpio on October 10. You can read more about that here.  

Chiron in Pisces also connects with this New Moon suggesting that you can make corrections and alterations to your blind spots, vulnerabilities and mistakes that have kept you victimized, clueless, confused or in the dark regarding your interactions and engagements. This can also relate to health matters and adjustments made or any unknown factors creating an imbalance. This could mark a turning point though it may not be totally painless. Perhaps there is the need to makes amends and bridge a gap between involvement and isolation or behind the scenes or maybe someone acts as a catalyst or stepping stone for you in some way. 

Venus is the ruler of this Libra New Moon and is happily on her home turf in Libra but she makes some stressful aspects with Pallas and Juno suggesting the challenge of adjusting some of your unwavering tactics when negotiating or coming to an agreement or possibly modifying your inflexible approach to your relationships and affairs. It’s like that saying goes, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. 

Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in Scorpio and conversations and thoughts are deep and honest; perhaps even brutally so. You might have lofty ideas and big plans and could be probing, investigative and very thorough in your arrangements, outline or design, able to see the bigger picture with intuitive thinking and laser like focus.  

Blessings and Good Vibes to All at this unpredictable New Moon!

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