This Full Moon in Taurus highlights the Security Axis of the horoscope. This means material security, financial security, emotional security and trust and just how secure you feel in your relationships.
This Full Moon will push these security buttons. This influence could be upsetting to any fixed ideas or stuck patterns. Alternatively, it can be exciting and enlivening in changing situations that have been immovable or jammed up for too long. You could see a turning point to any sustained efforts at building something up.
Neptune is favorably connected to this lunation and it could also be a creative or inspired time. There is potential to bring forth some of your visions in a tangible way. You’re not just imagining it, you can see, feel, taste, smell or hear it as Taurus rules over the five senses and Neptune, our 6th sense and beyond. These are working together now. This could also involve, the voice, voices, the throat and throat chakra.
Taurus is a sign that likes to feel comfy, cozy, loved and appreciated and this lunation may draw attention to some of the ways you feel or receive these things. Or not. So, this period may also present situations that bring up anger, rage, abuse, resentment and jealousy; and may bare what you’re willing to risk, give up or eliminate. Or it could be that games of control and manipulation that you or another uses to get what’s desired is revealed now.
Things may seem very unstable and unpredictable as Venus; the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon is opposite Uranus in Aries. Relationships and finances can have shake-ups and break-ups and deals and arrangements can be made or broken now. There could also be new contacts, friends and associations out of the blue or that are different from your norm. Financially, there could be unexpected costs or earnings. In some cases, it may be difficult to come to a compromise or cooperation as it bumps heads with a need to break free, assert your individuality and do things your own way.
I know it must sound as if I’m repeating myself here and I AM. The Universe has a repeated message for us all. Relationships have been a dominant theme all of 2017 and the Universe wants you to have those that are fair, inclusive, equal and in alignment with who you truly BE. This means all relationships, personal and business not just that with your marriage partner or significant other.
The good news is that Saturn in Sagittarius is in a favorable aspect to both Venus and Uranus now lending stability. This influence has been active all year and enables the blending of the new within old frameworks and structures and there’s a nice mingling of freedom and discipline and independence within the rules. There could be new friends, groups, networks and causes or modern technology and automation that can stand the test of time or becomes the new norm. There could be an increase in responsibility, accountability, maturity, experience or expertise, or playing a larger role now that readily assists in initiating changes. On another level, there is a new vibration and frequency, new awakenings and awareness that’s allowing an expansion of your reality frameworks. You may now realize that there is much more possible than you thought.
Ceres in Leo is also connected with this Full Moon urging you to nurture your inner child, your talents and abilities, the things that make you feel special and bring you joy and your creator self. This influence will also bring to light matters of confidence, self- acceptance and self-worth. On another level, child rearing and education may be highlighted now.
Another aspect that is important to note is The Chiron Saturn square which perfects again just days prior to this Full Moon. This influence has been active all year and has not been easy at all. If you haven’t noticed, you most likely have some bubble of Divine grace and protection and you better thank your lucky stars because this has been brutal for many people. BUT there is healing potential in the seemingly senseless suffering. This influence has slapped some people with some harsh realities; there may have been illness, pain and loss in a very real way.
On another level there’s a struggle with limiting beliefs that aggravates a sense of overwhelm, unworthiness, not being enough, not measuring up or meeting the test. This influence brings self-sabotaging, self- undoing, feelings of victimization or being addicted, feeling a deep void or wanting to escape it all, and it goes on and on. Events and situations from the distant past may replay in your mind needling your sore spots, weak points and vulnerabilities and it doesn’t feel too good. This could also manifest in chronic physical ailments. Lately, life may feel like you’re moving a boulder up a mountainside with what seem to be insurmountable obstacles and limitations every step of the way, testing your faith. Chiron is the Wounded Healer and shows where our wounds are; physical and emotional. Saturn deals with structures, and in Sagittarius, the beliefs that you’ve structured your life around. Most go through life on a kind of auto pilot and form a life based on beliefs that often aren’t true to one’s inner essence of who you truly BE. So, at this time of growth and growing into who you are becoming and co-creating and manifesting, you are being made of aware of these things so you can create a life that is more in alignment, authentic and honest. Saturn is making his way back to the Galactic Center, the center of our galaxy where it is said that Divine Energy and consciousness pours through. Keep this in mind and be mindful of your creations and manifestations as Saturn will not again visit this area for nearly three decades.
Venus will briefly tangle with these two so there may be some adjustments needing to be made in some of your relationships, agreements, arrangements as well as your money, values, finances, etc.
Lastly, Taurus also rules over gratitude and this is a perfect time to fill yourself with it. It’s easy to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives, but this Full Moon can be an opportunity to also be grateful for some of the tougher times you’ve faced and survived. You may come to realize the meaning and larger lesson of these experiences and those weaknesses can become your strength.
Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL at this Full Moon!