Jupiter spends about one year in each sign, taking roughly twelve years to make his way around the Zodiac. For the past year Jupiter has been touring Libra, the sign of the other - our growth has come from relating to others. You may have learned where things needed to be on more even footing. It may have even taken the form of an extreme imbalance to grab your attention; something that really feels uncomfortable or unfair until you have no choice but to do something about it. This includes imbalance in the form of illnesses too and this influence could bolster recovery and restoration and improve stagnant situations. There may be growing pains while moving beyond certain associations and ways of dealing with others or in how you allow others to treat you. One sided deals are no longer viable and Terms and conditions may apply now. The Universe wants you to have relationships and agreements that are fair and in alignment with your Truth.
Jupiter will spend the next year in Scorpio, shifting the energies and starting a new cycle of growth and expansion. Whatever part of your chart Scorpio falls in is where you will experience this. You’ll have to be honest about who you are deep down, at your core and what sits right with you. You may come to know some of your core beliefs too and it’s as good a time as any to eliminate those that are not part of who you TRULY BE. You’ll discover just what you’re made of and grow into your own power. Own it but be wise in how you use it.
Scorpio is the nitty gritty, the underbelly of things, the underground, the underworld, the shadow, taboo things, the dark side; just to name a few. Anger, rage and resentment could escalate. True colors and things that can no longer be concealed may be revealed now.
Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and has been positioned in Capricorn symbolizing authority, rules and structures including government and the structures within society and those in which we build our lives upon. Issues with power, corruption, control and religion may come up. The truth of these things may be exposed during this transit of Jupiter through Scorpio.
While Jupiter was in Libra, you were urged to make connections, cooperate with others and outgrow relationships, patterns and co-dependency that’s no longer fitting with who you are becoming. On the other hand, Libra also rules opposition and competition, vacillation and indecision and Jupiter may have amplified that which could now result in cut throat competition. With Jupiter’s tour through Scorpio, associations can deepen and you may want more meaningful exchanges. Alternatively, maybe you want freedom from any intense entanglements. The superficial accord of Libra doesn’t cut it with Scorpio. It will become evident who you can put your faith in and who is genuinely alongside you. Things can get real and raw so you will have to develop closeness, sharing and build up trust and faith in others which requires being exposed and vulnerable. There could be a boost in support given and received and even a rise in any sexual adventures and exploration.
Scorpio is also a financial sign ruling over other people’s money, shared resources or funds that you seek from others such as a loan, mortgage or credit. Jupiter is a planet of luck, success and opportunity. These topics will be relevant all year. There could be tax breaks, benefits or incentives. It could be a favorable time to seek a loan. Maybe there is an increase in your commissions, compensations or fees; or perhaps you receive severance pay, benefits package, insurance settlement or an inheritance. Things could also be exaggerated with Jupiter and you could take on too much or blow the budget.
Scorpio is a water sign with deep and sometimes dangerous waters. It’s emotionally intense and feels things at a soul level. Scorpio deals with the cycles of life, death and rebirth- physically and metaphorically speaking. Jupiter’s year- long transit will give the opportunity to explore some of life’s greatest mysteries and to come to your own understanding, Truth and set of beliefs.
May Jupiter bless his abundance and generosity on you and yours!