Aries is a doer and wants to get going; it’s aggressive, warrior energy and doesn’t wait around for direction, it just acts. If things don’t move forward fast enough, you’re likely to get frustrated, lose patience and your temper.
The Sabian Symbol for this Aries Full Moon is: “a bomb that failed to go off and is safely contained”
Keep this in mind. Breathe.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, a sign of new beginnings; you may see a turning point in something that you started back in late March when the Moon was New in Aries.
Mercury is close to the Libra Sun across the sky from this Full Moon and there may be polite conversations, diplomatic talks, negotiations, contracts and agreements that may go against how you personally feel. You may not be in the mood to compromise even when you know you should. There’s a need for everyone to state their case and find middle ground. Perhaps it’s just that you need to be more thoughtful and inclusive and communicate with others more or talk about your relationships and the give and take that is needed.
This emotionally impulsive Full Moon also receives a blow from Pluto in Capricorn. You may be pushing forward toward your goals, eliminating obstacles and limitations, working through a powerful resistance with intensity and passion some might say obsession. Maybe you are trying to break a consolidation of power or want to undermine authority or do away with a higher up or someone in a leadership position. Be careful that you don’t run into struggles for dominance, power or even violence. It will be a challenge to navigate the reformation of frameworks, structures, policies, rules and authority as things are still new and raw.
Mars is the ruler of this Full Moon in Aries and is linked together with Venus in Virgo. You may be making moves at prioritizing, organizing and ordering your finances, relationships and agreements to make things more workable. Though Mars and Venus are the Cosmic Lovers, and they don’t link up like this every day, Venus isn’t quite comfortable in Virgo, and becomes more critical of loved ones and scrutinizing in dealings and contacts. Venus can assess what needs doing and appreciate and enjoy the process of making order from chaos.
Maybe you’re being evaluated at work, or there is a situation involving relationships with co-workers, perhaps you’re collaborating on a project or enlisting the help of others. Maybe you’ve started a new routine or diet to bring balance to your health, especially digestion, assimilation and how you deal with stress. There could be new practices, programs and procedures that we are encouraged to make into habits that are more helpful and efficient so that things run more smoothly.
Moves are now made toward productivity and value; toward getting the most from your output but don’t expect it to come so easily right now as you get snagged by Saturn in Sagittarius. This slows the progress by putting considerable obstacles in your path while responsibilities and obligations are on the rise. This can be very humbling as it tests your faith and limits your opportunities. Focus and concentration are called for. Saturn in Sagittarius does not allow for shortcuts; Saturn says do it again and again until you get it right. There is a challenge to face things with maturity and discipline as you will be held accountable. At the same time, you’re gaining experience, expertise, professionalism and building character. There could also be an authority figure like a parent or boss that poses a challenge to your usefulness or effectiveness and criticizes your efforts and worth. This also goes for matters relating to health as you will need to show discipline and cut out excesses in your attempts to correct imbalances.
The Libra Sun, Aries Moon, Neptune in Pisces and Pallas in Taurus all connect suggesting that we face a dilemma and some tweaking is needed in a few of your unwavering strategies, tactics or methods so you can amend any past mistakes, blind spots or uncertainty and focus on balance, give and take, fairness, inclusiveness, uniting and connecting with others and peace.
Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries are still at odds suggesting that there are escalating differences, growing opposition, rebellion and revolt happening in the now. Sometimes these things are shocking and uninvited. These two have gone head to head all of 2017. We have seen evidence of it all year with the number of protests for a number of causes; everyone wanting to be heard, to be included and to be treated fairly. We can also see it in the number of shocking incidents involving large groups of people.
It can be a struggle between the need to get on well with others and come to agreements that are fair for all and to promote peace and the need to assert your freedom, independence and individuality. You need elbow room and you don’t mind throwing one now and then if need be; or perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end. Over the past year with Jupiter transiting through Libra, our growth has come through relationships; relationships and agreements have needed to be in alignment with who we truly be. Some relationships have had to change or end altogether or you may have had to learn how to relate differently and move beyond old patterns. On another level, there is a new vibration and frequency that is integrating and settling in with the balance of Natural Law.
Jupiter will soon move on to Scorpio just days after this Full Moon. More about that later.
Blessings and Good Vibes to all at this Full Moon!