Connecting with Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, leading to an eventful week ahead.
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Virgo is the sign possessing the skills to identify imperfections, make repairs and corrections, make use of - or sense of anything in a practical way, capable of efficiency and functionality making sure our bodies and our everyday lives run along smoothly, orderly and neatly. It’s the sign of work and service and will be running on overtime during this phase.
Neptune in Pisces opposite the New Moon creates an air of mystery, obscurity or a smoke screen putting your powers of discernment to the test, sorting through erroneous perceptions, false premises and organizing the clutter. You’ll have to decipher, categorize, prioritize and purify by eliminating excess, getting to the core, uncovering truths leading to transformation and/or restoration of structures, frameworks, standards, boundaries, schedules, timelines, rules and policies. It’s a good time to implement new diets or health routines or to detox or cleanse.
On another level, trusting your intuition and higher guidance aids in recognizing your own power and authority while uncovering certain truths supports you in realizing your role and responsibility in situations. This influence brings lots of growth and shifting by transforming your beliefs and reality constructs, removing limitations, eliminating what holds you back, making room for the new and assimilating it into your everyday world enabling repairs and corrections. The dissolving and dismantling of old programming may cause an active dream time as you process everything. Look around you and look within and you’ll notice that everything and everyone is under major construction. Do you see it?
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “two girls playing with a Ouija board” suggesting the need to delve deeper and recognize the unseen, to tap into communications from higher guidance or from beyond or from an unknown source, able to put together information like fitting together puzzle pieces to get a clear picture and making use of it.
Just one day later, On the 10th Mars re-enters Aquarius giving the green light to introduce changes, make sudden moves, initiate friendships or to get involved with a group or a cause. Technology may also play a role in this.
Venus in Scorpio is moving closer to a faceoff with Uranus in Taurus shaking up the stability of relationships or finances. Fortunately, Saturn in Capricorn connects favorably offering a bit of steadiness, while supporting long lasting effects and consequences to what transpires now.
A long period of absence, restriction, dormancy or scarcity may be in for a change as deep desires, powerful connections, intense associations or close contact awakens the senses bringing excitement to the predictable perhaps even causing a disruption. There’s an intensity, magnetism and desire for freedom and spontaneity. In terms of money, you could attract resources enlivening what has seemed fixed, inflexible or unwavering. Things that have been a sure thing may experience changes in the markets affecting loans, credits, taxes, inheritance, insurance, joint ventures and finances, etc.
Just a few days later, Mercury in Virgo is set to have a run in with Neptune in Pisces causing a cloud of confusion or mystification. It’s important to try to clearly communicate. Watch signing paperwork as it could be misleading or contain errors or omissions. Something you hear may sound unbelievable or incredible or like total bullshit, you’ll have to use your own discretion.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!
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