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Pisces Full Moon

Christina Celona • August 22, 2018

The Full Moon in Pisces on August 26th is filled with promise and possibility

As its holding an Earth Grand Trine amping up your manifesting mojo, producing tangible gifts that may seem as if they’re plucked right from your mind’s eye. The more you can imagine something, and all the parts contained within, the better your chances of it materializing suddenly with ease.

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The Virgo Sun opposite the Moon in Pisces aids in bringing order from chaos and developing a process and routine, to systematize and get to the finer points of far sighted fantasies and visionary concepts. 

Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus smile at this Full Moon offering up their Earthy super powers to the magickal mix; bringing to the table the ability to get out of comfort zones, effortlessly make changes – constructive changes, applying discipline and structure that make an impact in your everyday life in ways that are practical, useful and functional. 

It may be that some of your skills or services, along with your experience, professionalism, accountability and ability to manage can bring changes to your earnings, income, fees, prices or worth. Or you could streamline your processes and procedures, concentrate on essentials bringing changes to your purse. 

On another level, because this Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces, a sign known for secrets, shadows, mysteries and self-imposed limitations, self-destructive behaviors, and victimization; these things may be revealed now, brought into the light so you can see them more clearly and get a handle on it. You can see what’s wrong, what needs doing and how to go about doing it. The Universe supports you in making corrections and improvements. 

Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon contacts Mercury in Leo, which is now in forward motion, inspiring the imagination producing creative offspring; alternatively, your take on a situation could be clouded, blurring the lines confusing and deluding your awareness of self. 

Neptune, at home in Pisces, is still in alignment with Jupiter in Scorpio; they’ve been connected all summer. This is a special aspect full of spirituality, faith and otherworldliness assisting you to get through the layers and masks, uncovering truth, dissolving illusions and false premises. It helps you to go deep and to trust in your own higher guidance, inner knowing and intuition. On another level, water is a key component here, being near it may be helpful. Oceans, tides, marine life and flooding are also emphasized. We can see this symbolism manifest in the Red Tide problem Florida is facing where it is believed that a toxic alga is responsible for lifeless marine animals washing ashore in addition to the overflowing plastic pollution problem plaguing our oceans and marine life worldwide.

Venus in Libra nudges Pluto in Capricorn upsetting the peace and rocking balance in relationships and agreements. A desire for equality activates the alteration and reformation of standards, policies, rules, schedules and timelines. Alternatively, you may be evaluating the cost or worth of restructuring or remodeling.

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

For additional support and guidance, join my ongoing coaching program,



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#Pisces #FullMoon #Earthgrandtrine #manifesting #uncovering #imagination #sortingitout
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