The Gemini Full Moon on December 18th is the last Full Moon of the year, transpiring in the part of the heavens holding your mindset and thoughts. For the most part, these ideas and views create the constructs of your reality. It’s time to flip the script after shedding beliefs at the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse December 4th, creating space for a new narrative. Those blank pages are yours to fill however you see fit.
The Sabian Symbol for this lunation reads, “bankruptcy granted to him, a man leaves the courtroom” suggesting that the leveling up that’s underway, encourages a new beginning, allowing the past to remain there, despite any failure or loss as it has no bearing on NOW or on what you chose to create from here on.
This last Full Moon of 2021 aligns with the Galactic Center, the center of our Solar System, supporting Divine Downloads and Direct Communication of Intuitive Guidance. Tune in.
Jupiter in Aquarius aligns favorably with the luminaries, elevating the vibration, awakening masses, expanding your mindset with potential and possibilities. Messages received spark visionary and inspiring sequences.
Venus in Capricorn turns retrograde shortly after this Full Moon, urging you to reassess your relationships and values. The Universe offers an opportunity for you to get right with long standing, and even karmic relationships and the foundation that they’re built upon, getting down to the bare bones, determining whether or not there is staying power or if it is something that feels limiting and restrictive. This phase may make the call to either recreate or terminate. It could also be that you need to give your financial structure a once over as well so that you’re solid and secure for the long haul.
Venus retrogrades from December 19th through January 29th stalling in this very critical degree for about ten days, bringing up important issues regarding your love life and financial foundations.
It’s not uncommon for the Universe to bring old loves and people from your past back into your orbit while Venus is retrograde. Or it could be that a similar situation or pattern you’ve dealt with in your relationships comes up again. It’s an opportunity to review and evaluate if you still want what you thought you wanted or a chance reconnect or to react differently.
Venus retrograde is traditionally not a good time for buying and selling. While shopping, you may not find what you’re looking for or perhaps it’s not in the right size or color, maybe you don’t like it once you get it or it’s not what you thought it was, if you purchased online, you may want to return it or maybe you pay too much. When selling, you may get a lower offer than you’re asking. Venus retrograde is also not good for changing your looks or doing any kind of dramatic make-over; it’s ok to stick with what you know and maintain, but not for trying a new hairstyle or color, or for redecorating, you may not love the outcome.
Due to the stalling and slowing of Venus, she connects with Pluto for several days, becoming exact on Christmas Day, unearthing an intensity and preoccupation where financial and relationship foundations, obligations, limitations and structures are concerned. There’s something that needs to be completely restructured, renewed or eliminated altogether, things will not be able to continue as they have.
Venus and Pluto nudge the Full Moon suggesting a shifting mindset can remove resistance to what’s keeping you from all you want and desire.
Just a few days later, is the Winter Solstice on December 21st symbolizing the Longest Night as we await the Return of the Light.
December 24th, Christmas Eve for many, marks the third and last exact square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This influence has colored and shaped 2021 and will continue to influence the year ahead but this is as close as they’ll be for many years.
Just a few days later, Jupiter re-enters Pisces just in time to close out the year, granting gifts of Spiritual Expansion, Compassion, Guidance and Intuition for the first half of 2022.
Full Moon Blessings, Good Vibes and Happy Holidaze to ALL!