The New Year kicks off with a sobering New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd. If you make resolutions for the New Year, hold off a day and do them on the New Moon as you’re more likely to stick to it.
2022 is a year number six in numerology, suggesting that it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work as this is a year of building something up, for being practical, down to Earth and working together for the good of all. It’s a period for being of service to others and being responsible for your choices. The six vibration has a strong sense of justice and doesn’t just go along with something that feels wrong, even if everyone is doing it, rather, standing for what is right while working toward a compromise. The six is also connected to healing and healers, and those that bring comfort and care to others, uplifting the spirits of those unwell or suffering.
During this phase, the Sun, Moon, Juno, Venus and Pluto are congregated in cautious Capricorn, bringing a very reserved and restrictive influence. This is a phase for consolidation and concentration, consequences and accountability, for showing discipline and maturity. Your focus now may be on the reassessment of the people and things that matter most, and for reforming and restructuring your relationships and/or your financial situation.
Uranus in Taurus connects favorably with the New Moon, bringing along very real changes, perhaps to your earnings, income or expenses.
On another level, your awakened senses and awareness could assist you in reforming and rebuilding your reality constructs, bringing it more into alignment with your aspirations.
Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius speeding up your mental processes and opening your mind to the new and unusual.
New Moon Blessings, Good Vibes and Happy New Year to ALL!