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Libra Solar Eclipse

Christina Celona • September 29, 2024

Facing the Shadow

The Libra New Moon on October 2nd is also a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are headline news in Astrology giving the feeling of events and situations accelerating while often accompanied by sudden endings followed by new starts. Wherever the Eclipses fall in your personal chart, is the area of Life you’ll experience these shifts. 

A Solar Eclipse is a supercharged New Moon, and the effects can be felt for up to a year. The South Node also pairs with this Eclipse and although a New Moon Solar Eclipse lays a path for the Future, there’s something linked to the past here. 

The Libra Solar Eclipse puts a focus on your Relationships, Partnerships and your Closest Connections, pushing you to give thought to the Balance, Fairness, Equality and Give and Take in your dealings. Karmic contracts are emphasized now.

Libra is represented by the Scales of Justice, there could also be an emphasis on the Law, Justice, Courts, Judges, Lawyers, etc.

Several Celestial bodies are intricately linked with this Solar Eclipse, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and Astrea, adding their flavor to the mix, making it extra spicy. 

Mercury may have you mulling over matters, questioning, evaluating and weighing up situations, searching for solutions and peaceful resolutions. 

Meanwhile, Black Moon Lilith brings up the shadow side of Libra possibly showing up as competition, negative comparisons, or endless debates and indecision. It’s time to face (y)our dark side. Perhaps there’s projection in your relationships, whether you’re the one doing the projecting onto another, or on the other hand, someone’s projected their secret desires onto you or even made you the villain in their story. Either way, it appears that shadow aspects of self, perhaps shown to you through others, will have to be faced now.  Libra is the sign associated with keeping the peace, not rocking the boat, using diplomacy and coming to a compromise but BML here says enough of that – refusing projections, while demanding the right to individuality, to have a say by not agreeing to things that feel one-sided simply for the sake of peace.

While at the same time, Astraea is also very prominent at this Eclipse. Interestingly, Astraea is known as the Goddess of Justice and at a Libra Solar Eclipse it appears that there’s a Double Dose of Justice being served, bringing things out into the open and on a more level playing field. In the Myth of Astraea its said that her return marks the beginning of a Golden Age and a Utopian society eliminating all Human suffering. Sounds good to me!

On another level, Astraea is also known to stay with a situation for too long, as she was the last of the Immortals to leave Earth; so perhaps there’s a relationship or even a pattern of relating that you’ve hung onto well past an acceptable point due to the avoidance of adversity.

Mars in Cancer nudges this New Moon Solar Eclipse bringing up Emotional Triggers, Gut Reactions and Instinctual responses, setting things in motion at this Lunation, either rallying support and cooperation or causing conflict and confrontation. Most likely it’s a bit of both. 

Venus in Scorpio is the ruler of this Libra Solar Eclipse and she’s in a favorable alignment with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces creating a Water Grand Trine. This emotional influence points to spiritual purpose and the larger lessons learned from your experiences in relationships, while stirring up all the feels regarding your one-on-one interactions. You may be reflecting on whether or not your connections are truly in alignment, if there’s enough give and take, if there is genuine love, affection, respect and appreciation, while taking into account if you’re a priority in one’s life or holding a take it or leave it position, as well as those that are a priority to you, bearing in mind those that are reliable, dependable and supportive by showing up and stepping up – or not.  Matters of sharing, trust, trustworthiness, loyalty, betrayal, abandonment, jealousy or suspicion could come up. While at the same time, you may be considering your times together, shared experiences, a sense of familiarity, belonging, obligation, protection or security. There’s a lot happening on the emotional plane with this influence fueling the Solar Eclipse, perhaps showing you where there’s imbalance in your Life in order to correct it. 

On another level, you could attract connections and encounters that triggers an emotional response and an old almost forgotten memory like a moment of déjà vu. Or you may feel a Soul Connection with someone, feeling as if you belong together. Connection is Key during this phase.   

New Moon Solar Eclipse Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!


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