The Aries Full Moon October 17th brings a period of tension and strain, perhaps you’re feeling pulled in different directions as several areas of your Life compete for your attention. Survival Instincts are keyed up during this phase.
Chiron is close to the Moon in Aries while across the Sky, the Sun and Juno are closely connected in Libra revealing weaknesses and vulnerabilities involving relationships and your patterns of relating, putting the spotlight on your interactions with others and whether there is cooperation, ease, give and take or competition, opposition and strife with those that are uncooperative or run counter to your objectives. There could be rifts, splits and separations for some, while others may experience the start of something new, encountering Karmic Connections and Divine Counterparts. There’s potential for Healing, Wholeness and Leveling-Up with this influence although it’s not entirely painless.
On another note, Juno’s significance at this Lunation could reveal situations related to abuse and victimization of violence or sex crimes.
Juno also has a connection with the weather, climate, storms and the quality of the environment, putting an emphasis on those matters.
As if that isn’t enough, the ruler of the Full Moon, Mars in Cancer, faces off with Pluto in Capricorn, forming a Cardinal Grand Cross during this phase. This configuration needles some of your sore spots perhaps causing you to be emotionally reactive and defensive. It’s important to take notice as some of these situations could be deeply personal, making you feel very uncomfortable, raw and exposed but this serves a purpose to bring things into your awareness in order to change what’s been troubling you for some time. As they say, (y)our triggers are (y)our teachers and you’re about to learn.
The pressure builds as the clash between Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn moves closer to exactitude, peaking on November 3rd. This is a volatile influence, carrying power struggles, emotional eruptions, passionate pleas, anger, animosity, bitterness, rage, resentment and even force or violence in some instances.
There seems to be this cutting away, extraction or exorcism of old demons, burdens and blocks that’s starved your soul for quite some time, that you’re finally ready to let go of once and for all. The load you’ve carried is no longer needed as it’s no longer relevant to the new story. Once crossing this threshold, there’s no going back to the way things were. There’s a restructuring of the things that have made up your Life that’s been underway for a while, that’s now reaching its conclusion enabling a new expression and experience.
On another level, there may be activity in and around your home and property- remodeling, restoring, restructuring, repurposing or revamping your space.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini aligns favorably with the Full Moon offering solutions, or explanations while giving you the opportunity to take another look at messages, information, disclosures or communications that you may have missed or overlooked. Conversations are Honest and Straightforward, and you could learn something new or see a situation in a new light, perhaps stirring your feelings or soothing your sore spots or even confirming something you’ve already known or felt but didn’t want to believe. On the other hand, Jupiter could amplify things to catch your attention. Either way, you grow, you learn, and adapt, moving beyond painful episodes and rolling with the changes.
Meanwhile, Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Love, is in Scorpio making her magnetic and attractive as she desires connection, sharing and trust. And she’s making the rounds this week, hitting up the outer planets during this phase. On the 14th she faces off with Uranus in Taurus, bringing shakeups and breakups and a need to break out of comfort zones and comfortably carved ruts, on the 15th she aligns with Neptune in imaginative Pisces taking you out of this world. There could be fated encounters, meetings by chance or happenstance, coincidence and uncanny occurrences on these days. On the 17th, the day of the Full Moon, she has the final encounter of our lifetime with Pluto in Capricorn, bringing deep transformation to your love life and relationships, and to the people and things you value and are close with, as well as your sense of self-worth and boundaries with others.
On another level, there could be economic shakeups, changes in markets, banking, costs, payments, currencies, etc.
Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!