This could be a trying time as you struggle to find your center or the middle ground on some matter. You may feel that you are between a rock and a hard place as you assess, evaluate, weight options or procrastinate. Relationships, reaching agreements or a fair deal could be a challenge now. There may be negotiations and the need for cooperation and collaboration as you try to knock someone off a fence to bring them over to your side while being faced with overcoming competition, opposition and resistance.
Mars and Saturn in Capricorn are in a harsh aspect to this Full Moon, adding to the tension and frustration. These two only get together like this about every two years; so, it’s a seeding time for long range goals and things that you’re obligated and committed to for the long haul. You could be initiating business setups, schemes, structures, frameworks schedules and/or timelines; or asserting your authority, expertise and professionalism and cementing your position. Maybe you’re recently in a position of authority or under new management. Perhaps there are new rules of engagement, new policies, procedures or protocol, new timelines, schedules and operations. This is a time for disciplined and measured action. This influence also stresses the importance of focusing on only the essentials and the things that stand the test of time. Anything began now can reach far into the future and has staying power, but it also requires patience and perseverance. You could feel that nothing’s happening fast enough or you may feel like your efforts blocked, ambitions frustrated as things may be slowed, delayed or halted. Don’t expect instant success.
About those timelines and schedules…Mercury retrograde in Aries is opposite this Full Moon, conjunct the Sun in Aries.
You might want to give yourself some extra time as Mercury retrograde can bring delays and the need to cover old ground. You could be rethinking some of your actions, reconsidering your approach or plan of attack in some situation. Take time to think about what pushes your buttons and to question your motives. There could be, new plans, bold ideas, thought provoking information, harsh words and a defiant tone. It may be a time to initiate talks and negotiations, retrace your steps, bounce ideas off others to get their input and opposing views and to recognize your own limitations.
Venus in Aries is the ruler of this Libra Full Blue Moon. Just a few days before the Full Moon, Venus, Goddess of beauty and love, and money and values too, met up with Uranus the awakener; perhaps shaking the stability of an important relationship, or maybe you felt it in your bank account. There could be new friends or connections coming out of the blue, or that fill you with excitement. Maybe you become involved with a group of some sort, join a club or a movement. It’s possible to have a change in values and worth or unexpected income or expenses. Maybe you just get pushed out of complacency and a comfort zone. Venus moves into her own sign of Taurus by the time the Full Moon arrives, and things may settle down by then but don’t expect to remain in your comfort zone for long. Uranus will move out of Aries and into Taurus come mid-May and that is going to push everyone out of their comfort zones; but more on that later.
Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL at this Blue Moon!