The Cancer Full Moon on December 22nd comes on the heels of the Winter Solstice and is the last Full Moon of 2018.
Home, family, feelings of belonging, memories of the past and traditions are highlighted now.
Uranus in late degrees of Aries sends vibes to this Full Moon enabling you to introduce changes to familiar things andto break free of certain patterns and habits.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is, “a sailor, ready to hoist a new flag to replace an old one”.
It seems to be a fitting image to close out the year as 2018 required you to uncover and shed anything extraneous and focus on essentials.
Mercury and Jupiter meetup in Sagittarius and your mind is on big things and big news, full of optimism, plans and ideas about the future. Talks now are honest and straightforward and conversations can be lengthy, wanting to discuss your beliefs. You may be running here and there or going a bit out of your way or out of town interacting with a variety of people, perhaps of different cultures or with different views.
Venus in Scorpio links with Neptune in Pisces creating a bit of magick and mystery and a desire to connect and share on a deeper level.
Full Moon Winter Solstice Blessings and Happy Holidaze to ALL!