The New Moon in Scorpio October 27 is buzzing with excitement. Change is in the air as Uranus in Taurus sits across the sky facing off with this New Moon giving it an amped up Full Moon feel. This lunation points to awakening, revelation, liberation, revolution, rebellion, evolution and renewal.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon reads, “a massive rocky shore” and things may be tough going now as you’re not sure of your footing, feeling unstable and uncertain with situations turbulent and changeable.
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Scorpio represents death, rebirth and the cycles of life. Death in the symbolic sense, it isn’t always meant as a physical death. We die many deaths throughout our lives as part of our growth, development and evolution. After each transition, there comes the time of rebirth as we rise from the ashes of our past, of what once was and reinvent ourselves, continuing our path of becoming.
Would you say that you or your life is the same as just a few years ago? Over the last several years there’s been an acceleration of growth and change that hasn’t always been pleasant, for some it’s been grueling. Sometimes we must break down and bust open to rid the layers of the not self and see what we’re made of.
Scorpio is a sign that gets down to the core, to the nitty gritty to show the unseemly, unmentionable and the unthinkable. During this phase, conditions feel raw and urgent as you face the shadows and darker parts, surprised at what bubbles to the surface while receiving startling revelations and aha moments of insight and clarity flooding your awareness. Your psychic sensitivities and intuition are tuned in and turned all the way up now. It is said that the veil between worlds is thinnest this time of year and this period could attest to that. This New Moon is pressing for change, transformation and reinvention. Time to level-up on the evolutionary – vibrational plane.
On another level, fluctuating finances and markets are featured at this lunation which can bring any of the following - changes in earnings, commissions, royalties, costs or currencies/electronic currencies, unexpected expenses, variations or modifications of loans, debts, insurance, taxes, wills and inheritance, etc. You could adjust, correct and overhaul your budget and bank account, maybe you’re seeking to consolidate, refinance or do a reset of some sort. There could be loopholes to contracts or maybe you’re looking for an opening or an out. This could also involve technology, electronics or electricity.
There’s added pressure and tension as Mars in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn clash and connect with Neptune in Pisces. It’s a trying time that’s not easy to navigate as there are many unknowns, uncertainties and things you were not aware of coming out to be confronted. You may want to trade your behind the scenes status of invisibility and anonymity for engagement, collaboration and cooperation, but it doesn’t come easy. You could feel blocked at any attempts at a compromise or agreement, there could be resistance to your advances or efforts to make contacts and connections or forge alliances. You want those that have substance and can stick it out for the long haul – social niceties and lip service have no place now. Patience is called for with this influence; good things come to those who wait – so they say. It’s easy to feel frustrated as if you’re getting nowhere fast, struggling for balance while faced with limitations, obstruction and resistance. On another level, there’s anger over inequality, fighting for justice or peace, or a push back of opposition; moving against authority, policy and/or the establishment.
In addition to so much happening, Mercury, Venus and Pallas all meet in Scorpio, sitting across the sky from Vesta in Taurus, suggesting that you want involvements and discussions that plunge the depths, connections and encounters are magnetic and words are passionate and persuasive as you think and feel things deeply now. Intuition is sharp with penetrating perceptions and an ability to cut through complications, lay everything out, shedding light on things kept locked up, shielded and protected or what’s had your unwavering dedication, commitment or allegiance.
Jupiter and Ceres meet up in Sagittarius. Among other things, Ceres’ symbolism is associated with death, the dying process and cycles of renewal, further emphasizing the Scorpio theme; while placed in Sagittarius and connected to Jupiter, you may want to explore these topics and come to a deeper understanding of natural laws and cycles. On another level, this hints at beliefs about self-worth, self-image, self-esteem, body image and being “enough”.
One last thing, as a friendly reminder, Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio October 31 – November 20th. Your mind may be on critical matters and more introspective. The usual rules of Mercury Rx apply, i.e. practice communicating clearly, don’t assume another understands what you mean, watch when sending emails, texts, letters, memos, etc. that they go to the correct party, without typos and errors. It’s not the best time to enter into new contracts and agreements, watch signing paperwork. Also, not the best time for buying electronics, appliances, or a vehicle. When a planet is retrograde, it’s best to back track and cover old ground, revisit, re-imagine, re-investigate, re-examine, reconsider – you get the picture.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!
Have a Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!