This final New Moon of 2017 on December 18th is in Sagittarius and is the most powerful of the year as it is conjunct the Galactic Center, where it is said that Divine energies pour forth. The intentions you set now could have far reaching effects.
Sagittarius is a sign that deals with future and possibility, optimism, faith, beliefs, luck, success and expansion just to name a few. For the last few years, you may have felt that some of these qualities were in short supply due to Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius which felt restrictive and limiting; limiting beliefs and hindered opportunities that tested your faith, slowed your growth and progress, urging you to use an abundance of caution and a whole lot of patience with responsibilities mounting all the while throwing some sizable obstacles and major setbacks in the way. It has been a tough road, but this is all coming to an end now. You made it! Yay!
This New Moon can be a time for Regaining faith in life and receiving a lucky boost from the Universe after the heavy energies of Saturn in Sagittarius.
Just one day later, Saturn exits Sagittarius where he has toured since December of 2014 and enters his own sign of Capricorn for the next few years. Saturn is the Manifestor and he is king of the 3D reality. Manifestation and materialization are not only possible, it’s happening.
It’s as if this New Moon ushers in this new energy, solidifying and cementing all the Sagittarian lessons of the past few years. After all, Saturn transits may not always be pleasant, but they do serve a purpose. There is wisdom and experience gained and some lessons and realizations that are invaluable.
Several of our heavenly bodies, (the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus) are in Sagittarius awaiting the once in nearly thirty-year departure of Saturn. This is a magickal time
Mercury Rx in Sagittarius is reviewing ideas and plans for the future, questioning beliefs, views, opinions and assumptions and seeking solutions, seeking the truth. While Venus in Sagittarius loves freedom and adventure, she also appreciates honesty, integrity and things that are more straightforward and wants relationships that are meaningful.
Saturn is crossing into his home turf now, this late in the year, means that 2018 will be a year to narrow your focus, define goals and fortify your position. This won’t just happen. Saturn always requires discipline and effort and you may have to prove yourself by demonstrating accountability and commitment. You may also see the effects and consequences of some undertaking or the achievement or realization of objectives. Intentions are manifesting.
During Saturn’s transit through Capricorn, it will be a time to pull back, focus and concentrate on the things that are important, the things that matter and on what is essential, getting down to the bare bones. It will be a time to set standards, rules, policies and boundaries and to establish schemes, structures, frameworks, timelines and schedules.
This New Moon connects favorably to Uranus in Aries bringing a sense of excitement, liberation, and wonder. You could feel an awakening of possibility or a new vibration that makes you aware of your connection to nature or new intuitive insights and guidance bringing some peace of mind if only for a moment, but it would be a meaningful moment.
On another level, there may be situations involving new friends or groups that share similar views and philosophies, or perhaps friends or groups of another culture; maybe you are traveling to meet them, or they are at a distance, maybe there is a meeting of the minds, perhaps there are circumstances involving legal issues and law suits concerning a group, party, assembly, congregation, etc.
Pallas also combines her energies to Uranus and the New Moon highlighting revolutionary political activism and ethics. This brings to mind the “woman in a man’s world” and the Me-too movement in our current culture and the steps taken in the near future. Things will never be the same again. Alternatively, this could involve new strategies and troubleshooting technology, networks and laws; net neutrality comes to mind. Perhaps you are promoting, publishing or advertising and expanding your reach using technology and social media networks.
Venus in Sagittarius connects favorably with Uranus and Pallas in Aries and there may be some promising changes to relationships or money, there could be new friends or technology that aids in an increase in earning. This is also about the revolution pushing for women’s equality, including equal pay.
Chiron in Pisces square the New Moon could put a slight damper to your enthusiasm as you are made aware of flaws, mistakes and vulnerabilities and some of the beliefs that our lives have been structured around, now is the time to surrender that to the past and put that old story to rest, use this time as a starting point for new beliefs, a new story…a new future.
Ceres pairs with the North Node in Leo and contacts Pluto in Capricorn suggesting there is a shifting happening, eliminating what holds you back from nurturing your inner essence, so you can radiate feelings of self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love and self-acceptance. On another level, there is a shifting happening by means of the relationship with nature, earth’s energies and solar energy that allows the morphing and changing of fundamentals and frameworks.
The Solstice, another potent point of energy, is just days after this New Moon. The Winter Solstice represents the rebirth of the Sun so although this is the longest night, we celebrate the increasing light until the Summer Solstice.
Blessings to and Good Vibes to All at this potent Last New Moon of 2017!
Wishing you Happy Holidaze and a prosperous New Year!