The peaceful placidity typically attributed to the sign of the scales is in short supply at this October 6th Libra New Moon. There’s an edginess to this New Moon as Mars is intricately linked to the luminaries while Uranus sends an electrifying beam.
Libra likes harmony, balance, justice and equality, a refined sophistication and social niceties while taking others into consideration. While, on the other hand, Mars is a combative and aggressive influence, that doesn’t like to wait, discuss, debate or cooperate. Mars moves first, acting quickly, moving forward with intention, motivation and autonomy.
This phase brings new beginnings to relationships or agreements, but it may be difficult to find cooperation or come to a compromise with this contentious influence, as each party wants to have it their own way. There could be a fight for your fair share, demanding equality, justice or the give and take in a partnership. There could be conflicts, confrontations or outright opposition; you may need to just have it out to get out of a rut.
Alternatively, negotiations may be set in motion during this period. Or perhaps there are new arrangements, new terms, or even splits, separations, an annulment or nullification.
Then again, you could be on the hunt for those you can connect and collaborate with, you want engagement and involvement, to join in and partner up, or maybe you’re looking for counsel or a confidant. Although this influence works best if each has an independent role within a team, each getting the credit for their contribution.
This New Moon suggests that whatever you initiate has some energy and oomph behind it to charge ahead, possibly zig zagging along as this influence calls on you to shift gears and tweak a few things along the way, which can be a bit unnerving.
This influence is spontaneous, surprising and impulsive, upsetting the balance, possibly tipping it startlingly to one side, or perhaps even going on the offensive. If you’ve been evaluating a situation or considering a decision, during this phase, you may make your move, catching others by surprise.
On another level, perhaps you experience a break or interruption to the connectivity with your technology, electricity or the internet, affecting your comfort and security or even markets, banking, earnings and expenses.
Mercury is retrograde in Libra, and when Mercury is out of phase, perceptions, communications and electronics can be a bit wonky.
Mercury also has an exchange with Neptune in Pisces, blurring the lines and keeping things mysterious, puzzling and obscured. Things may seem weird, without a clear picture of a situation. On the other hand, there’s a refining and fine tuning of your perception, aligning with your intuition, enabling non-verbal communication, coming through in feelings and images.
It’s also possible that you reconnect with someone from your way back when now. Or maybe you’re reflecting on your connections, relationships, and earlier experiences, covering old ground, learning a piece of information that you were unaware of, seeing things in another light. Perhaps you find yourself in a situation that echoes something that’s been long forgotten.
Chiron in Aries is across the sky from the Libra New Moon, suggesting the need to confront any sore spots and move through it. Or perhaps you’re looking for a loophole to break free.
The Libra New Moon, being in a critical degree, makes things a bit more weighty and urgent, while opening a portal of time, bringing a turning point, as four planets shift from retrograde to direct motion, from now until the Full Moon. In the coming days, these planets will begin to operate at their full strength after months of orbiting in a sleepy state, moving things forward in a big way.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!