The Aquarius Full Moon July 23rd brings something of the uncommon and peculiar and perhaps a few unexpected changes with it. Aquarius is known for doing things a bit differently, a sign representing Humanity, brotherhood, freedom and originality. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is, “an unexpected electrical storm”, suggesting moments of discovery and flashes of insight.
This Full Moon falls very close to the place in the Heavens where the Great Conjunction, transpired back in December of 2020. The Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is a rare aspect that happens about every 20 years and this Full Moon is ringing those energies once again.
The Aquarius Full Moon is also sandwiched between Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius – straddling amid the dismantling systems and unraveling structures of power, authority and even the political establishment while simultaneously engineering society or rebuilding and forming communities of like-minded spirits. On the personal level, constructs and experiences that have formed important aspects of your life, parts of your identity and your reality, have also fallen away, while at the same time, newness is birthed at every moment.
During this phase, Venus and Hygiea are intricately linked in Virgo while facing Jupiter retrograde across the sky in Pisces, all of which are intertwined with the luminaries of this Full Moon. This influence brings to light matters involving health and healing, healers and health-care workers, hygiene, practices, protocols, diagnosis, cures and therapies. This period favors problem solving and finding solutions to issues that seem overwhelmingly larger than life, allowing you to fine tune things and find what works for you. You can now make sense of things that have puzzled or escaped you, or that have been confusing, obscured, concealed, or complicated, or something that you’ve been unaware of is made known, enabling you to make practical use of deeper truths and spiritual knowledge, coming to a deeper understanding. Tune into your intuition and Higher Guidance to help you sort things out to do what you feel is right. This is also a favorable time to detox, purify, cleanse, clean up or flush out, there may even be matters involving poison or toxins. This can even mean relationships that are toxic. Water itself is an important element now, bringing to a head issues involving leaks and flooding, or the quality, cleanliness, use and availability of water and the cost of repairing and clean-up.
Mercury in Cancer aligns with Neptune in Pisces, while moving to a stand-off with Pluto across the sky in Capricorn. This watery influence favors feelings, reflection and intuition while enabling you to overcome blocks and resistance, face reality and see through any illusions. On another level, this suggests domestic and property plans, involving or concerning water, you could be remodeling, renovating, restoring or revamping your space and even include plans for a water feature of some kind.
Last but certainly not least, Jupiter retrograde will re-enter Aquarius just a few days after the Full Moon, on July 28th. Jupiter typically spends about one year in each sign. Jupiter entered Aquarius back in late December 2020, just in time to make his meetup with Saturn, together forming the historic Great Conjunction. Since then, Jupiter raced through Aquarius at breakneck speed, making his way into Pisces for a short stint. Now, Jupiter will retrace his steps in Aquarius while catching up on some unfinished business of raising the vibrations of the collective and bringing large groups of like-minded people together with common goals. We’ll also witness developments in science, technology and big tech. Jupiter will remain in Aquarius until the end of the year, re-emerging in Pisces just in time for an otherworldly New Year’s Eve.
Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!