The Virgo New Moon on September 14th brings openings that could set you on a new course – following recent deep dives and Next Level Heart Healing. There's a New Program that you’re running on now after liberation from the hang-ups holding you back. That Old Operating System feels more like - 404 Page Not Found. Many exciting changes are coming your way impacting your everyday, bringing the extraordinary and unpredictable to the ordinary.
Uranus in Taurus aligns with this New Moon bringing a buzz in the atmosphere, something stirring from within, an unsettling feeling of restlessness, or it may be that life feels more enlivened and accelerated and it’s evident in your everyday world. The Awakening is going Mainstream.
The Sabian symbol for this Lunation is “a royal coat of arms” putting an emphasis on tradition, bloodlines, DNA – origins and where one comes from. This degree holds a high level of responsibility as one raises their consciousness and vibration, acting as an embodiment of Higher Energies and beaming that outwardly, so that the collective catches the wave and lights up. Here We Glow.
In matters of Health and Healing, you could start a new regimen, routine or practice or up your game in your current practices. This period is excellent to make changes that can improve function, effectiveness, productivity and efficiency on all levels. There could be breakthroughs and bombshells involving medical technology, cures and therapies.
Financially speaking, there may be changes to your work, systems, procedures, or skillset affecting your earnings. There could also be fluctuations in markets, banking, expenses, costs, currencies, etc. impacting daily functions.
Mercury, the ruler of the New Moon is stationing Direct, echoing the degree of the recent Full Blue SuperMoon. Mercury remains in this degree for nearly a week before moving forward again, suggesting a repeated message, a message missed, overlooked or ignored or an additional piece to the puzzle regarding something that came to light during the recent Magickal Full Blue Moon SuperMoon.
Neptune in its home turf, Pisces, sits across the sky from the New Moon bringing forth some unknown factors while you try to make sense of things or work to clear up any confusion, misunderstandings or outright deception.
Healthwise this influence favors cleansing, detoxing and purifying, or a sweat lodge, sauna, float tank and foot soaks.
Jupiter retrograde in Taurus sends good vibes to this New Moon granting opportunity, growth and abundance along with Wisdom, Understanding and Honesty – you won’t need to go searching as there are plenty of occasions coming your way. Virgo grants discernment to get to the bottom of things -the Truth will be evident if you choose to look.
Jupiter also nudges Venus and Juno coupled in Leo bringing opportunities to connect and exchange love, affection and appreciation, to share views, values, opinions and life’s philosophies. You could meet people that are good for you now, advancing your evolution as you grow just from knowing and being with them. Or it may be that you move beyond certain relationships or relationship situations- while coming out better for it as you recognize your own inner inherent value and love of self that there’s no need for another’s acceptance or approval. Either way it’s all good, maybe too good.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!