Welcome to the First New Moon of 2023 and Happy Chinese New Year!
The Aquarius New Moon January 21st serves as an opening to new trends, new friends and future feels.
This year is The Year of the Rabbit, known to be the luckiest sign in the Chinese Zodiac. I guess that’s why a lucky rabbit’s foot was a thing once upon a time. The Rabbit is associated with beauty elegance and good taste, along with possessing a high survival instinct and an ability to follow one’s intuition to avoid dangerous situations.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “an unexpected thunderstorm”. If things feel frenzied, ask yourself if this storm has come about to disrupt (y)our life or to clear a path for (y)our future.
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto all connect with this New Moon…
Mars in Gemini energizes this New Moon keeping things on the move as situations accelerate quickly and things could change course suddenly. Mars has remained in the same degree since the start of the month due to the recent switch from retrograde to direct motion, putting an extra emphasis on active communication. This phase brings a flurry of calls, conferences, news, announcements and direct messages as word spreads like wildfire. This is a busy phase with a sense of excitement and haste.
Jupiter in Aries connects favorably with this New Moon bringing progress, growth, and advancement as things develop rapidly. You’re willing to move forward into new territory with confidence and a belief in yourself. An opportunity may arise that requires you to immediately act on the spot.
Alternatively, you could experience this phase with increasing anger, impatience and harsh words or perhaps you’re on the receiving end of these things. In some situations, you could see a rise in violence and fighting or even a need for Martial Law.
Pluto in Capricorn is also closely connected to the New Moon, although it’s out of sign, suggesting the liberation from something that’s had a hold on you, giving over much of your power and control, that’s stood in the way, preventing you from moving into your highest vibrational timeline and living your best life.
Uranus in Taurus is the ruler of this Aquarius New Moon and is ready to shift into forward motion the very next day - after a five-month retrograde phase.
As of the 22nd all planets are in direct motion until May. Further emphasizing change and acceleration.
Venus and Saturn also have a meetup in Aquarius during this phase, starting a new cycle for committed relationships, long-term agreements or establishing friendships that stand the test of time or that have a common purpose or the formation of a community, group or association. Or it may involve your financial framework and commitments, particularly electronic or digital funds.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!