The Scorpio Full Moon April 23rd turns up the intensity, cranking it up to eleven as this Full Moon falls on the heels of a potent Eclipse season. The train of fast-tracked change and transformation continues as situations come to a head and possibly to a point of no return. This phase is full of heightened emotions and psychic sensitivity.
This Full Moon sits alone while most of the Planets are gathered across the Sky in the signs of Pisces, Aries and Taurus. There seems to be something brought to your attention which you must face, though you may have been avoiding it or completely unaware of it until now.
Those with planets or placements prominent in the Fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius will feel the most pressure.
Pluto in Aquarius, the ruler of this Full Moon, contacts the Luminaries triggering tension, and power struggles, perhaps pushing your buttons of both emotional and financial security. Things may feel extremely uncomfortable, raw and urgent as you’re forced from your comfort zone.
Matters surrounding sex, intimacy, trust, closeness, security, resentment, betrayal, and rage could be emphasized now. Financially speaking, issues regarding banking, taxes, loans, mortgages, insurance, investments, wills and inheritances are highlighted now.
This phase may also mark a turning point to events that began mid-November last year.
This Full Moon falls just days after the historic conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 20th – a once in fourteen-year meetup. Note that this is not a one-day occurrence, but the start of a new cycle between these two social-shaping planets. Although they’re exact on the 20th, we’ve already been feeling the effects lately.
Mars in Pisces is the Ancient Ruler of this Scorpio Full Moon and connects with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, energizing, accelerating and fueling their power and impact.
This influence brings seismic shifts, rapid changes, development and progress along with big surprises, startling truths, mass awakenings and unexpected opportunities bringing breakthroughs or a push to break out or break free in some fashion. The Future is Here in these Now moments. Welcome.
Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!