The Cancer New Moon July 17th is an opening for new emotional states, new habits and practices, new nurturing, caring and supportive situations and for making new memories. This phase also brings new starts on the domestic scene or with family matters.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn sits across the Sky from this New Moon bringing the next level of renewal your way. There’s been an ongoing reconstruction underway, both from within and in the outer world, possibly showing up on the personal level as a restructuring of your boundaries, eliminating roadblocks and walls, the things keeping you stuck, while creating an opening to new patterns of behavior without the same old automatic responses, reactions and conditioning perhaps developed due to feeling the need for protection or defense. As your new level of awakening and awareness is sharpened, there’s a call to acknowledge that old coping methods no longer work, they’re no longer needed nor appropriate at this new stage in the game and that it’s your responsibility to make the necessary changes and to rise accordingly. In other words, own your shit and do something about it, step into your personal power or stay where you are – if you keep doing as you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you always got. The choice is always yours.
In more mundane matters, you could be remodeling or revamping the way you live in and use your home and personal space. Real Estate and property can be important now.
On another level, there’s an unearthing of deep levels of corruption and abuse of a consolidation of power.
The Universe is very creative in getting our attention and showing us what it is we need to learn in order to grow and live out our potential and purpose, and this phase has no shortage of occasions and opportunities presenting.
Uranus in Taurus connects favorably with the New Moon carrying refreshing changes enabling you to get out of comfort zones without too much discomfort as you’re ready and willing to shed a few old habits. There could also be financial and economic changes and fluctuations in income, earnings, costs, expenses and currencies, also with real estate and property values.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces also favorably connects to the New Moon amping up emotional and psychic sensitivity. You could feel reflective and nostalgic, remembering long – ago scenarios and situations long forgotten, playing old movies of your life in your mind, remembering how you felt at the time. Being in and around water is beneficial now. Flow.
Your intuition, instincts and enlightened insight blend beautifully now.
Mars in Virgo is moving into an opposition with Saturn in Pisces suggesting you roll up your sleeves and do the hard work, concentrating efforts to your goals, practicing patience and discipline and keeping your eye on the prize. You’re in it to win it for the long haul -try not to get too frustrated if the rewards aren’t immediate.
As if all of this wasn’t enough- wait there’s more….
This New Moon heralds the shift of The Lunar Nodes from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra. This is Big Cosmic News as the Nodes stay in a sign for about eighteen months providing a backdrop to the Energies. While the Moon’s Nodes are not planets, they’re important points in the Sky representing Karma, Destiny and Fate. They act as the Cosmic GPS System with the South Node showing where you’ve been and the North Node where you’re headed. As we move from the Security axis into the Relationship axis, one of the big takeaways over this period, is how to be a True-to-Yourself, Authentic, Sovereign Being while still maintaining your connections, cooperating with and including others, being a team player while maintaining your independence and individuality, and letting go of people pleasing and projection. Don’t be afraid to DO YOU.
Just a few days later, Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Love goes retrograde, taking a Deep Dive in Leo, a sign that’s all about matters of the Heart. Venus is retrograde July 22 through September 4th. This phase is for getting in touch with people and things near and dear to you. Spend some time reflecting on your heart’s desires and those things that stir your soul, make you feel alive and express your very essence. Re-connect with your Inner Child and feel into what gives you joy, pleasure, and ignites your passion and desires. What makes you feel like a kid again? What makes you feel special, loveable, loved and appreciated? Do that.
This period holds LOVE Re-connections, HEART Re-calibrations and Deep Levels of Healing.
On another level, this is also a time to evaluate your relationships- how you really feel about someone and how the other makes you feel - as relationships are often a reflection of how one feels about oneself. What are you putting out there and what’s boomeranging back to you? Do you love yourself enough to allow yourself to be loved by another? Enough to create healthy boundaries or to say no? or do you just give in, comply and accept unacceptable behavior in order to keep the peace? Or to be liked? Just food for thought.
Relationships from the past could surface now, to complete some unfinished business, showing up as a reconnection or a larger lesson. Or it could be that you face a particular relationship - same old situation - the feeling of a familiar pattern, providing you with a lesson and opportunity to perhaps behave differently.
Venus also rules values, worth and self-worth so these matters may be top of mind now as it’s time for self-assessment. Do you love and value yourself enough that it’s reflected in your earnings? What do you love to spend your money on? Is what you do to earn a living in alignment with your heart and soul essence or is it just a soul-destroying means to an end? How much value do you place on your talents and skills? Your happiness? What’s it worth to you?
This may also be a time of financial re-evaluation - showing up in the markets, banking or the values of currencies and Gold.
Venus retrograde is traditionally not the best time for buying and selling or making dramatic changes to your looks. Hold off on changing your hairstyle or doing a makeover when the planet of Beauty is backtracking – this includes domestic designs too. You may not be happy with the results, or maybe you change your mind when this period is over and wonder what you were thinking. While shopping, it may be tough finding things you like, or maybe your size isn’t available or not in the color you’d prefer, or maybe you pay too much, or you pay full price only for items to be discounted after the fact. When selling, you could get less than your asking price. It’s best to wait until this time has passed if at all possible.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!