The Libra New Moon October 8th puts the focus on relationships and getting along with others, working and cooperating with them, coming to compromise, agreements and peace, negotiating a fair deal, considering opposing and/ or alternative views. This is the time for bringing things into alignment if things have tipped too far to one side.
Venus in Scorpio, the ruler of this New Moon, went retrograde on the 5th, just days before the New Moon. Venus is taking a deep dive into the underworld, uncovering what is important to you at a soul level when it comes to love, relationships and values. Venus here can expose the darker side to one’s love nature, things that are taboo or tendencies that are obsessive – compulsive or even abusive. Scorpio is a sign that goes under the surface- and it ain’t all pretty- sometimes it’s downright disturbing. During this period, it’s time for re-evaluating what you want in relationships and what’s important to you. Do you still want what you thought you wanted? As we grow and change, our values can also change this is a good time to bring things into alignment with who you are becoming.
More on Venus Retrograde in Scorpio here
Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius are poking at each other creating sexual tensions- a have your cake and eat it too vibe- as Venus in Scorpio wants a deep connection and Mars in Aquarius wants to break free and assert individuality. These two will stay in this alignment for more than a week.
Ceres is also closely linked with this New Moon bringing up feelings of belonging with a certain someone or with a particular group- the connections and alliances to these people and whether you feel supported by them or supportive of them. This link up also suggests the relationship patterns and/or complexes imprinted upon you from your upbringing and parents. This period could bring these things to light in order to become aware and to begin anew as Ceres also corresponds to cycles or growth and renewal.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “a boat landing washed away” coupled with the Sabian Symbol for the degree Venus stations retrograde in is, “a drowning man rescued”. The watery theme is symbolic of the emotions, and of structures, forms, outlines or templates being washed away, being saved and saving what is salvageable and able to be rebuilt; what is more, The Sabian Symbol for Ceres is, “circular patterns” implying continuity and those things passed down from early conditioning, ancestral patterns perhaps.
The New Moon also tangles with Neptune in Pisces bringing things that were hidden, obscured or that blind-sided you, victimized you, weakened you or tripped you up out in the open to be confronted. Perhaps someone steps out of the shadows as a competitor or opponent. Alternatively, you could trade your solitude and seclusion, and your work behind the scenes for mixing, mingling and teaming up with another.
Pluto in Capricorn also takes a whack at the New Moon giving the power to do away with the stumbling blocks in coming to an agreement or into alignment- what’s been throwing you off balance.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!