The Gemini New Moon on June 3rd is an opening for new ideas and carrying out plans that have been on your mind or for saying things that need to be said.
"your mind is a garden for you to plant seeds, you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds”
This can be a busy time as Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon, connects with several planets over the next week or so. You may on the go, having many conversations and exchanges with your mind engaged with news, information and some likely plot twists.
things that make you go hmmmmmm.....
This New Moon is being pressured by Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces - there’s a lot happening behind the scenes, on a deeper level. You’re being challenged to expand your mind and look at the bigger picture. You may need to see things from another perspective, learn to listen, really listen so you hear the meaning behind the words not just so you can respond but to understand views that run counter to yours. Your intuition may be telling you something that goes against all reason and rationale and it can feel confusing. You may hear of things or think of things that seem so far-fetched and unbelievable or that run counter to what you perceive to be possible or truth that you’re perplexed as to how to wrap your head around it all. There’s a lot of mind fuck mental gymnastics happening and you may be wrestling with what you think you thought you knew as your intuition, faith and logic have a run in.
Or perhaps instead, they’re all melding together beautifully bringing a sense of meaning, purpose, curiosity and interconnection. You could learn of things or gain access to information and knowledge that has been hidden and obscured, perhaps in plain sight and finally available. Secrets could be spoken and become known. Use this time as an opportunity for mental frolicking and let your imagination wander as there is so much creative potential available now.
Venus in her own sign Taurus, mingles with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn during this period. Financially, you may be stretched a bit thin and need to modify any excess, while focusing on what is essential to shrink debts and waste, perhaps reforming some of your systems, standards, frameworks and/or policies. It may be that the costs or payments of something is overblown requiring adjustment or on the other hand, maybe your bank account gets beefed up; perhaps there are amendments in legal matters involving fixed financial agreements to release commitments, obligations or responsibilities.
On another level, this is about tweaking your beliefs about your worthiness and removing those things that are keeping you from realizing your own value. Tear down those walls now and reach out to your comrades, acquaintances and associates – not only the ones you’re at ease with, but those that encourage you to branch out, leading to opportunities for growth and development.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!