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Gemini Full Moon

Christina Celona • December 11, 2019

The Gemini Full Moon, the last Full Moon of the decade

,transpires just after midnight at 12:12 am on December 12th (12/12) highlighting your perceptions and your slant on certain subjects. You can expect some plot twists during this phase. Ideas and plans you came up with in early June could reach a turning point now. This lunation also puts the spotlight on information, communications, media, gossip and hearsay.

Mercury in Sagittarius, the ruler of this Full Moon, energizes the degree of the last New Moon, which Sabian Symbol reads, “an old owl up in a tree”. This suggests wisdom, knowledge and a bird’s eye view of the situation. There’s an inner guidance giving you a grasp of the bigger picture. 

Mercury in Sagittarius and Uranus in Taurus connect enabling you to shift your awareness and fine tune your frequency as your senses are awakening and coming ‘online’. This influence also suggests adjusting your mindset, broadening your consciousness and thinking more positively, even using affirmations to alter your beliefs around worth, wealth and self-worth. Speaking your truth may feel uncomfortable, maybe it unsettles someone else when they hear what you have to say or possibly hearing another’s viewpoint takes you by surprise. It’s a time to be open minded, explore unusual ideas and get out of your comfort zone. 

On another level, there could be modifications when publishing information or news and digital content, especially if it’s opinionated, political or biased, varying the fees or rates associated with it. This also illustrates free speech and the collective cost of any amendments or revisions to such things. Decide what it’s worth to you. 

The Full Moon tangles with Venus, Saturn and Pluto all closely connected in Capricorn shifting your perspective and concentrating your focus on what is most important and those nearest and dearest to you, along with your shared values and responsibilities. On the financial front, you may be making plans and revisions to consolidate or eliminate debts, making long range economic goals and investments, dealing with retirement plans, life insurance, wills and estates or some other type of restructuring to your financial future may be in the works for you. 

The Gemini Full Moon also nudges Neptune in Pisces testing the clarity of your thinking, perhaps blurring the lines between facts and opinions or beliefs and perception. On the other hand, it brings an understanding of the subtleties and undercurrents of your surroundings, amping up your psychic sensitivity. Tune in. 

Mercury in Sagittarius favorably connects with Chiron in Aries suggesting that speaking your Truth is an opening for healing, though it may cut like a knife. 

Chiron goes direct the day of the Full Moon while continuing to be combative with Jupiter in Capricorn. This influence has been in effect for the last several days, lasting for about ten days or so. You could feel triggered, on edge, impatient and irritable during this phase as it tends to poke at your weak points. Limiting beliefs seem magnified now as they are brought into the light to be confronted and healed. You could feel pressured as fears, doubts, shoulds and oughts weigh on you. There may be a sense of lack, of not being enough, not measuring up or that time is running out, making you feel panicked or anxious. Notice your resistance around particular beliefs. Recognize what is unfounded, unsupported, no longer serving or not part of your Truth. There is tremendous healing power with this influence if you’re brave enough to own it and push through.  

Wait there’s more….

Closing out the last Full Moon of the decade, and thrusting us into the upcoming Eclipses, Jupiter in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus align brilliantly. These two social shapers don’t get together this way every day. This ten-day period brings lots of surprises as well as progress, opportunity and quantifiable, constructive changes. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 
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