Happy New Year! You made it to 2021. Yay!
2020 was an unprecedented year for everyone, but there can be opportunity in adversity, while our biggest lessons and growth spurts happen during those periods that are the most uncomfortable and challenging. As a number 4 year in Numerology, 2020 brought a period of preparation, a chance to discover your vocation, and purpose and perhaps, the work of your soul. The Universe provided a rare opening to awaken to this, with a collective pause, and a moment to make ready for what’s to come.
For several years now, we’ve experienced a breakdown of many of the systems, structures, and beliefs that much of our lives and reality has centered around. This has been an ongoing process of destruction, decay and dismantling while simultaneously bringing about a restructuring, restoration and renewal. Over this period, you’ve given way to a more stripped-down version of yourself and your life after learning who or what needs to be discarded, and what is no longer valid as you’re left with the bare-bones essential shell of what has proven to be authentic, reliable and workable and stands the test of time.
As difficult as the past year may have been for many, there’s much to be optimistic about in 2021.
2021 is a number Five vibration symbolizing freedom and free will, independence and liberation. It’s a year for being open to new experiences and new lessons while making a break from the past. A five year requires your involvement and participation and a mindfulness as to what you give your consent to.
This new year and five vibration comes on the heels of the Great Conjunction, a meeting between Jupiter and Saturn, which happens about every twenty years, but hasn’t occurred in Air signs in about 800 years. These two social shapers leave an imprint on history, marking the sign of the times for the two decades to follow. Their meeting is in the very beginning of Aquarius, the sign of the humanitarian, the visionary, the non-conformist. Interesting times lie ahead, that’s for sure.
The Winter Solstice brought the arrival of the Great Conjunction, signaling the Age of Aquarius; an anticipated period when Humanity steps into its Destiny and Birthright, taking control of the Earth by way of Living in Alignment with Natural Laws, expanding consciousness and raising the vibration. Many have already begun to awaken to these practices, and now, many more will join in the Conscious Co-Creation – this is our Collective Responsibility, our legacy and our heritage.
The weeks ahead will be very unpredictable, and events will move along quickly. At times things could get very volatile and explosive. On another level, the frequency and vibration will be elevated and accelerated, and people will be awakening en masse. For some it may be exciting and thrilling and for others, it may feel very unsettling, catching you by surprise or sending shockwaves through your system.
The first New Moon of the year on January 13th is in Capricorn and what a powerful New Moon it will be. If you’re one to set goals and make resolutions for the year ahead, this is the time to do that. You can also join me in my group coaching program, Lunar Living, to learn how to best use these energies in your personal life, using your personal astrology.
The seeds you sow at this New Moon will have transformational results as it is closely connected with powerful Pluto in Capricorn. You’ll be able to reconstruct and reconfigure, letting nothing stand in your way.
The days leading up to the New Moon may be days of new discoveries, constructing innovative schemes and plans, with a change in your beliefs and new ways of thinking as Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter congregate in Aquarius while banging heads with Uranus in Taurus. This influence is very erratic, amping up the unpredictability for the two weeks surrounding this New Moon. News may come and go rapidly while things change and move along at lightning speed. There’s a lot going on now and you may have trouble keeping up, so try to remain open flexible during this period. There could be communications or preparations involving the formation or organization of large groups of people coming together with common goals, interests, or values.
As we get a bit further into the week, Mars joins in the melee on the 20th, Inauguration Day in the U.S., and things really start to heat up, becoming volatile and explosive. This is an influence that can bring violence and rebellion on a grand scale. Although this is a super unpredictable influence, it’s a safe bet to assume there will be cities burning and rioting along with a period of seeming anarchy. It’s also possible to have some kind of sneak attack, as in an attack on the electric grid or an interruption with the internet or something of that nature. My intention is not to scare anyone or to make doom and gloom predictions, I just want to warn and prepare you as we live in very interesting times. Have a few extra things on hand in case you need to ride it out for a few days and pay extra attention to your surroundings.
Try to keep your vibration high, and know that this too will pass, because at the same time, on another level, we are vibing up – make no mistake about that people – even as forces try to suppress it. As light and frequencies increase, it forces the shadows to the surface for all to see.
By the 23rd, The Sun – Saturn conjunction drops the hammer, bringing a heavy influence putting the focus on order, authority and accountability.
We’re in for a bit of a wild ride as 2021 gets underway and I have lot’s more to say about it so join me on zoom for regular discussions on the energy weather. You can sign up for free to Star Chat Live for links and notifications.
New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!