Saturn is also the ruler of this Full Moon; time for adulting and putting on your big girl (or boy) pants. Career related matters could come to a head now. You may be called to account or need to demonstrate your competence. How do you show up? Measure up? Own up? Or meet the test? Perhaps you’re being recognized for your accomplishments, expertise or experience. Alternatively, you may be dealing with time management a
nd scheduling or with establishing business, management or parenting structures, frameworks, guidelines, rules, regulations, boundaries and restrictions. Saturn is retrograde, so you may be redefining your goals, achievements or position, or reconsidering your commitments.
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Uranus in Taurus sends favorable vibes to this Full Moon adding zing. Old standards shift with changing values. This will be evident on several levels-- from inconsistent feelings and desires or unreliable associations to unexpected costs and fluctuating markets.
Just days before the Full Moon, June 26th Mars retrogrades in Aquarius, until August 27th. This means there’s covering old ground in some of the new directions you’ve taken or new networks you’re involved with. This also hints at a simmering anger within the larger collective, groups of civil unrest fighting for a cause important to them. Additionally, this period is not an appropriate time to have surgery.
Mars Rx in Aquarius is poking the Sun in Cancer; changes of direction, new networks or groups or causes you’ve recently gotten involved with leads you to come out of your shell or conversely, makes you want to retreat. This influence also suggests some fine tuning regarding a focus on race and the simmering anger in the collective.
It is important to note: At this point of the year we really start to feel a slow down as several planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde and not operating in their full capacity. Keep this in mind as it will be difficult to make progress for the next several weeks. Expect a summer slow-down.
The Sun – Saturn showdown on the 27th adds to the slow down. This brings a sobering or depressing vibe or feeling ‘up against it’ with timelines or schedules, or a clash between your personal and career lives. You may have to strike a balance between caring and controlling.
Personal Note: I am so excited that Sibella Publications has included me in their circle of wonderful women writers in their online magazine,
“Luminous Wisdom: SOFIA” for 2018-2019. I look forward to this journey!
Full Moon Blessings and good vibes to All!