February has an immediate impact as the month kicks off with a tense exchange between Mars in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a combative, antagonistic and volatile influence so take care. There could be anger, resentment and violence that needs little provocation. It can also be a potent time as there are forceful efforts in removing obstacles and resistance. You’re no longer willing to stand for what’s been holding you back.
Uranus in Aries is the ruler of the Aquarius New Moon and connects with Venus in Sagittarius February 2nd, just two days before the New Moon offering social opportunities enabling you to widen your circle of friends. Maybe you connect with a new cause or comrade or engage and explore those with alternative or opposing views and opinions or with those from other countries. Perhaps there are financial opportunities involving technology or even a tech hack involving a lot of money.
Venus enters cautious Capricorn by the time we get to the New Moon favoring committed relationships, long-term investments and limited spending.
The New Moon February 4th is in Aquarius, the sign of brotherhood and communities of like-minded souls sharing common interests and goals. It’s a humanitarian sign with a futuristic vision and an ability to spot emerging trends.
Mercury sits close to this Aquarius New Moon bringing stimulating conversations, inventive ideas and startling revelations.
Jupiter in Sagittarius connects favorably to the New Moon and Mercury keeping your mind open and inclined to change with developing knowledge and understanding. News could be coming in quickly and the scene seems to speed up. Perhaps you’re having many conversations, gathering information willing to explore differing opinions, broaden your views and expand your thinking. You may consider groundbreaking solutions that creates a win win for all involved.
Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are still connected in a rare and special aspect which perfected January 31. We haven’t seen cooperation between these two very different forces since 1996! This influence links together visualization, imagination and manifestation. How exciting! These two will be collaborating and assist in shaping 2019.