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Aquarius Full Moon

Christina Celona • August 2, 2020

New Trends Turn a Corner

The Full Moon August 3rd keeps you on your toes. It’s in Aquarius, a sign known for being communal, humanitarian and social. Aquarius likes to gather and assemble with those of like mind to kick around visionary and inventive, futuristic plans or for a common cause benefiting the collective.  

This Full Moon highlights your comrades, companions and social circle but it also comes with a few shake-ups and surprises thanks to a jab from its ruler - Uranus in Taurus. Aquarius and Uranus have a few things in common such as independence, originality and life’s only constant - change. The atmosphere is buzzing with restless excitement and unpredictability and the feeling that things could turn on a dime.   

This Full Moon carries a culmination to events seeded at the Aquarius New Moon back in January earlier this year- and what a year it’s been so far! Those new trends turn a corner now.  

This period could also highlight social or political factions, organizations and communities as well as big tech.  

Additionally, there are shifting styles, tastes, admiration and affections inspiring a need for something different, something unique that awakens your creative genius, your talents or your passion. There could be a sudden attraction that has you acting out of character and making your heart skip a beat. At the very least you’re ready for friends, fun and entertainment and a much-needed change of pace. 

This influence could also bring fluctuating income and earnings, unexpected expenses, changes in currencies and costs or market instability triggering feelings of uncertainty and insecurity, perhaps provoking non-compliance, rebellion, willfulness and personal liberty.  

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon reads, “people on stairs graduating upwards”, suggesting that we are moving on up in an evolutionary way via vibration and frequency; bringing senses online sparking an awareness that forces a collective shift and a need to face yourself at your core inner essence and the child within. It’s possible you feel physical sensations such as heart palpitations or energies pulsating within your chest and solar plexus.   

Chiron in Aries aligns favorably with the Aquarius Full Moon suggesting that healing has begun, and progress is being made soothing your heart and inner child. This influence also favors alternative healing modalities such as energy healing, chakra balancing and frequency therapies.  

There’s a tangle between Mercury and Vesta in Cancer, across the sky, facing Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn along with Venus in Gemini – this can be a depressing influence leaning toward a negative mindset, or it could be that you’re unable to communicate for some reason requiring an alternate route to connect. Maybe you’re feeling nostalgic as memories come to light, having an attachment to the past, patterns, family or tradition, while confronting some obstacle or faced with limitations along with the simultaneous tearing down and rebuilding of standards, boundaries, systems and structures, insisting you fine-tune communication in your relationships or verbal and financial agreements. Moving forward, share your thoughts and ideas, converse and connect, whereas you open a heartfelt pathway. In addition, your goals and plans could reach a high-point presenting a promising announcement or attractive message.  

Last but definitely not least, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Capricorn have a run in. This influence makes a big impact, enabling you to take swift steps, making measurable progress and advancement, with considerable credit or consequences resulting from your direct actions or directives. There may also be personal attacks or angry assaults and incidents that defy ethical standards perhaps even eliciting legal liability. On the positive, you’re moving forward developing expertise, gaining experience, knowledge and wisdom.  

Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL at this Full Moon.

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